Society of St. Vincent de Paul
St. Timothy Conference
Helpline: 1-800-873-0613
A worldwide network of 800,000 lay Catholics, we are inspired by Gospel values to grow in holiness and build a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.
We are men and women of every age, every race, every income level, who share our blessings of time, talent, and treasure with those who need help and hope.
From our thrift stores and food pantries, to disaster recovery and prison reentry, to advocacy and systemic change, we serve our communities however they need it most. No work of charity is foreign to the Society.
Like the Good Samaritan, we’re ready to help anyone regardless of religion, age, or background.
Here at St. Timothy’s Parish, we operate a Food Pantry and provide emergency financial assistance through a dedicated Helpline.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization, inspiring people of all ages to relieve the suffering of the poor. Vincentians perform corporal and spiritual works of mercy in a spirit of humility and simplicity; assisting the poor with basic necessities like food, rent, utilities and more.
Please click here to donate monetarily online (select Parish Outreach – St. Vincent de Paul).
OR by check to SVdP/St Timothy at
13807 Poplar Tree Rd. Chantilly, VA 20151
Click here if interested in making food pantry donations.
“The problem which divides people today is not a political problem; it is a social one. It is a matter of knowing which will get the upper hand, the spirit of selfishness or the spirit of sacrifice; whether society will go for ever-increasing enjoyment and profit, or for everyone devoting themselves to the common good …” (Blessed Frederic Ozanam, Founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in 1833 envisioned the establishment of a network of charity and social justice encircling the globe.)Today, Frederic Ozanam’s universal dream has been realized in the establishment of a Catholic organization of lay men and women inspired by Gospel values to grow together in spirituality, friendship, and charity. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul spans 142 countries and 6 continents under the guidance of the International Council in Paris, France. The United States National Council in St. Louis, Missouri (operating since1845) oversees more than 117 Diocesan Councils across the country- supporting over 390 District Councils and 4,600 parish conferences. These eleven conferences are part of the Arlington Diocese:
(1) St. Timothy(Chantilly), (2)St. Leo the Great (Fairfax), (3)St. Paul Chung (Fairfax), (4)All Saints (Manassas), (5)Our Lady of Good Counsel (Vienna), (6)St. Mary (Alex.),(7)St. Louis, (Alex.), (8)Our Lady of Angels (Woodbridge), (9)St. Mary (Fredericksburg), (10)St. John the Evangelist (Warrenton), and (11)St. Matthew (Spotsylvania). Note: St. Veronica’s Catholic Church in Chantilly converted to the Blessed Mother Teresa Outreach program in 2009. SVdP-History in our parish
Member Resources
- Click here to view SVDP documents
Become a Member:
- Attendance at meetings – 2nd Thursday and 4th Wednesday every month from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Time for prayer, reflection, friendship, service reports and casework consultation
- Participation in one or more of the following: Helpline, Casework, Food Pantry, Special Projects, Advocacy, Administration
Become a Volunteer:
- Donate food
- Gather food for food pantry
- Design and develop communication materials
- Special Projects – Friends of the Poor Walk, Thanksgiving, Christmas
- Translation
- Click here for a complete list of Volunteer Opportunities and Contact Information
Become a Benefactor:
- Donations of food or cash gratefully accepted.
- Check or Cash: Drop off payments at the Parish Office and make sure it is labelled for SVDP
- Credit Card or EFT: Click here – be sure to select the “Parish Outreach – St. Vincent de Paul” fund.
Those in need of assistance with food are welcome to visit the Pantry on the third Saturday of every month, from 9 – 11 AM.
Food Pantry Contacts:
• Peggy, Manager (proberts8@cox.net)
• Vivienne Cameron, Volunteer Coordinator (cammras@gmail.com)
Help Line:
1 – 800 – 873 – 0613
Food Pantry
Serving over 100 Families
For the safety of all, we plan to continue with the drive through pantry
distribution for the foreseeable future on the third Saturday of each
month 9-11 AM.
Manager: Peggy
Volunteer Coordinator: Vivienne Cameron