Weekly Highlights
No matter where you are on your Spiritual Journey, “That Man Is You!” (TMIY) will meet you there and inspire you to move forward.
The TMIY is in approximately 1000 parishes across the US and in 5 other countries. The men at St. Timothy’s want to build on this success and get 25 more men to attend at least one of the three weekly gatherings. You can join any section to come and see without any obligation. There is no cost to the program other than free will donations.
TMIY is an easy way to learn more about Catholic teachings and truths in a casual atmosphere. No homework and no fees just good conversation! Many of us ask questions, seek clarifications, and challenge misunderstandings of the Church’s teachings. Most of all we seek ways to put into practice all that we have learned. All the video talks are short and targeted to the particular strengths and weaknesses of men. They are presented by national lay spiritual leaders that are guided by traditional church teachings. No matter where you are in your spiritual life these upcoming talks can improve your life.
Join us in 2025!
Sessions begin the Week of January 6th
Monday Evenings
7:30 pm
New Parish Hall
See Bulletin for Description
Thursday Mornings
7:00 am
Online Only
See Bulletin for Description
To join contact Frank Keller at 703-489-1244.
Saturday Mornings
7:00 am
New Parish Hall
See Bulletin for Description
Question? Bruce Jacobeen at 703-626-0770.
Come to “That Man is You” for your family, for your children, for your soul! This program has changed the lives of many men and their families in a profound way! Join us as we learn more about God, our Church, and each other.
If you can’t make the first few sessions don’t worry you will be able to catch up.

John Bukartek, 571-527-9559, john.bukartek@gmail.com