Sacred Music
Sacred Music Seminar
Music Director – Jason Bowles
Adult Choir (open to high school and older)
- Rehearsals on Thursday evenings, 7:30pm to 8:45pm
- Regularly sings for 10:45am Sunday Mass and other Masses and services including the Holy Week liturgies and 9:00pm Mass at Night on Christmas Eve.
Sacred Music Seminar
Below are videos of the seminar Sacred Music: History, Theology, and Practice led by former music director Jon Laird for parishioners at St. Timothy’s.
- Session I: Introduction; broad history of sacred music and liturgy in the Catholic tradition
- Session II: Development of polyphony; hymns in the Catholic tradition; instruments in Catholic worship; music of the Reformation
- Session III: Philosophical, theological, and psychological aspects of beauty generally, and Catholic liturgical music in particular
- Session IV: The modern liturgical reform; music at St. Timothy’s