What is Man Cave?
“In this challenging age of dissolution and disenchantment we find ourselves, as men, at the crossroads. We hunger for deeper friendship, an unbreakable bond of community, a passionate faith and the adventure of living the dream we dreamed when we were boys. Man Cave brings the men of the parish together to do just that and continue our formation as sons, brothers and fathers, and prepare for the mission at hand.” Father Searby.
Man Cave events are for the Men of the Parish, primarily for men at least 21 years old. We are holding on going events to encourage brotherhood in the parish. We have had great turn out for these events, as much as 140 men. You are welcome to come and join any event with no obligation to join anything. However, you will be given a two part mission to accomplish during the event.
1) Meet at least two new men who you did not know before and exchange contact information.
2) Learn something new about someone you already know.
Man Cave is a grass roots movement that was started and initially funded by a few St. Timothy men to increase the community among the men in the parish. If you are interested in supporting Man Cave, we can use your help. Man Cave is self-funded and is put on solely by volunteers.
If you would like to help, you can donate during an event or you can donate directly into the St. Timothy Man Cave account through the following link.
Man Cave – https://membership.faithdirect.net/givenow/VA13/44600
There is no joining Man Cave, just participating in the events. If you would like to see Man Cave events continue your donation is most appreciated. Many hands make light work.
If you would like to help out with the Man Power to put on these Man Cave events, just indicated your interest on the registration form and we will contact you. Or feel free to email Bruce Jacobeen, BruceJacobeen@gmail.com, 703-626-0770 to indicate your interest in helping.
Food, Inspiration, Brotherhood; you are welcome to come into the Man Cave! Where the Spirit Grows!
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