Saint Timothy Catholic Church
Please enter the information below and submit the form to the CCD Office with payment in person or by mail.
Family Name*
Home Phone*
Father's Name*
Mother's Name*
Envelope Number*
Please note any allergies, medications, or other pertinent physical information. Also note any learning disabilities, emotional, or psychological problems and special learning requirements.
First Name*
Last Name*
Current Grade*
Grade in 09/2019*
Birth Date
Baptism Date
Gender MaleFemale
1st Penance YesNo
1st Eucharist YesNo
Confirmation YesNo
Monday 4:45 - 6:00 p.m. 1st Choice2nd Choice
Monday 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. 1st Choice2nd Choice
Tuesday 4:45 - 6:00 p.m. 1st Choice2nd Choice
Tuesday 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. 1st Choice2nd Choice
Home Taught 1st Choice2nd Choice
All regular CCD classes are held at St. Timothy School.
Note: Your child's class assignment will be sent via EMAIL near the end of August.
The success of our Religious Education Program depends on many volunteers. Please indicate by checking a box if you can help with any of the following:
TeacherTeacher AssistantSubstituteHall Monitor/Dismissal AideReceptionsBaby Sitting
Registration fee* for Grade PK/K – Grade 12 (NON-REFUNDABLE): 1 child, $100 2 children, $150 3 or more children, $200.
*If tuition presents financial hardship, please contact the CCD Office.
A Sacramental Fee, $30, will be added to the registration fee for Grade 2 and RCIC/Missing Sacraments classes to cover the costs of the First Communion Mass.
A Sacramental Fee, $50, will be added to the registration fee for Grade 8 to cover the costs of the Confirmation Mass and the required Confirmation Retreat. Please note: A final cost of $18 will be collected to cover the cost of the required Confirmation Robe.
Make checks payable to St. Timothy CCD.
Please pay all fees at registration or by Aug. 1st. A Late Fee, $20 for returning students will be added after Aug. 1st.
All new students must submit a Baptismal Certificate from the Parish where the child was baptized.