Saint Timothy Catholic Church

Religious Education – Registration

Religious Education (CCD) Registration 2020-2021

Please enter the information below and submit the form to the CCD Office with payment in person or by mail.

    Student Information

    Please note any allergies, medications, or other pertinent physical information. Also note any learning disabilities, emotional, or psychological problems and special learning requirements.

    Student #

    Please indicate 1st & 2nd choices for the following:

    Grades PK/K through 8:

    All regular CCD classes are held at St. Timothy School.

    Note: Your child's class assignment will be sent via EMAIL near the end of August.

    The success of our Religious Education Program depends on many volunteers. Please indicate by checking
    a box if you can help with any of the following:

    TeacherTeacher AssistantSubstituteHall Monitor/Dismissal AideReceptionsBaby Sitting

    Registration fee* for Grade PK/K – Grade 12 (NON-REFUNDABLE):
    1 child, $100
    2 children, $150
    3 or more children, $200.

    *If tuition presents financial hardship, please contact the CCD Office.

    A Sacramental Fee, $30, will be added to the registration fee for Grade 2 and RCIC/Missing Sacraments classes to cover the costs of the First Communion Mass.

    A Sacramental Fee, $50, will be added to the registration fee for Grade 8 to cover the costs of the Confirmation Mass and the required Confirmation Retreat. Please note: A final cost of $18 will be collected to cover the cost of the required Confirmation Robe.

    Make checks payable to St. Timothy CCD.

    Please pay all fees at registration or by Aug. 1st.
    A Late Fee, $20 for returning students will be added after Aug. 1st.

    All new students must submit a Baptismal Certificate from the Parish where the child was baptized.